Texts and Essays
fire witch rising.blogspot.com – July 13, 2007
Gottfried Helnwein Work at the Denver Art Museum
The Radar exhibit showing Epiphany, the Gottfried Helnwein work, at the Denver Art Museum closes after this weekend.
Fortunately, the DAM is free all weekend, so Colorado residents still have a chance to view the amazing piece.

I don't know how often you get to Denver, but the artist Gottfried Helnwein is actually going to be in Denver as part of the "Artists on Art" lecture series. I am planning on being there, Thursday, December 13, 5:30 pm.
It is a powerful piece and I have been fortunate to live close by and check it out regularly. It will be sad to see the Radar show close this weekend (7/15/07). I will be writing an article on the show and posting some photos on my blog at denverarts.org.