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www.booooooom.com – May 11, 2010
Gottfried Helnwein
Gottfried Helnwein is a painter, photographer, installation and performance artist who has created some of the most provocative images I’ve ever seen.

Responses to the Gottfried Helnwein blog:
1. 26:05:09 eric: fantastic
26:05:09 Thijs: breathtaking nr.4
26:05:09 Ben: amazing
26:05:09 toma: amazing!
I saw these pictures last september during a hitchhiking trip in Ireland and I was looking for the photographer since this time!
26:05:09 jeffhamada: wow it looks amazing from that distance!
01:06:09 toma: It was fascinating!
26:05:09 Patty: He’s showing in Modernism in San Francisco right now. So bomb.
26:05:09 René: One of the best and the best austrian Artist!!! Last year he had an exibition in Linz (Austria)
26:05:09 Hudson: love big photos
27:05:09 emily: kinda powerful-eventhough-its-hard-to-know-what-they-are-trying-to-say
27:05:09 emily: i’ve just had another thought…think what is like for those little girls having their faces displayed in that huge size where people have no choice wether to see then or not (god, i hope NONE of them got vandalised)
29:05:09 Lee: I live in Waterford, Ireland where Gottfried has all these displayed (still there) and the majority have been untouched. Although he did have a large print in the middle of the city square and that got a bit shredded by drunks / chavs in the night!
His piece across the river suir on the old seed mill is amazing (the one with the guys vaulting down it)
27:05:09 Jordan Arabejo: i just love the fact that he dares to exhibit his work in outdoor places. very selfless. these are just fantastic by the way!
29:05:09 Mekuh: loves it
01:06:09 zeninho: wonderful
09:06:09 Cian Foley: Fantastic artist, I am from Waterford City in Ireland and am so impressed at what Gottfried has achieved.
Make sure you all visit Waterford City for the Tall Ships event in 2011!!!
07:07:09 anirac: these are no photos….the most of them…helnwein is a painter.
this fact is more amazinge the every thing else geoi
10:09:09 San Sharma: I’m sure that painting of the little girl, lying down with bandages around her head was included in the sleeve of Michael Jackson’s HIStory album.
26:09:09 Eugenio: YES! That’s Little Susie! I think, too.
The Last Child, Installation by Gottfried Helnwein, Waterford City, 2008